There are still places available on the next 8 week online course, Genetic Genealogy: An introduction which I am helping to run through the University of Strathclyde. The course is aimed at those who are considering purchasing a test kit or have recently dipped their toes into genetic genealogy to assist their research.
"This class aims to impart a basic knowledge of the scientific and
technological aspects of genetic genealogy and teach the skills needed
to interpret DNA test results for genealogy. There has been an
increasing interest in genetic genealogy as the technology of DNA
testing has developed and the potential for genealogical applications
has become clear. The scientific and technological complexities of the
subject make it challenging for genealogists and family historians, who
are more likely to feel an affinity with the field of arts and
humanities, rather than that of science and technology. Many individuals
who have a DNA test carried out find it very difficult to fully
understand the meaning of the results and what further tests and/or
genealogical research might prove worthwhile. This class addresses this
issue and illustrates that genetic genealogy is an important tool in the
field of genealogical studies. The class is also suitable for those who
have not yet taken a test."
The course is fully online and starts on Monday 5 October 2015.
The cost is £155.
You can book onto the course here:
Professional Genealogy Research Service